Landscaping Project

A journey through time in remembrance:

Four centuries of time brought to life through landscape

Early in the 17th century, immigrants of primarily German descent settled in Muddy Creek and surrounding areas. By 1732, Muddy Creek church and cemetery came into being. In 1892, the beautiful gated stone walls were built and still serve as the entrance to the cemetery. Symbolically the gate represents Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. “Open the gate, the master has come. This open gate leads us to sacred ground.

Four centuries, Four trees, Four seasons - Each tree symbolizes both a season of the year and a century of time.

All the landscaping fences serve as directional guides along the roadway, which itself becomes a spiritual pathway. As Jesus said “I am the way”, it is He who offers direction and guidance. The path gradually ascends which can be seen as symbolizing the ascension. The road leads eastward. From the very beginning, all burials and markers at Muddy Creek have faced east. It has been said at the appointed time Jesus shall return from the east to bring new life into every soul interred here. 

The Judeo-Christian tradition envisioned time on Earth as being defined like our fences, each with a distinct beginning and end. Trees within this landscape symbolize life and renewal, while the fences embody the end of time on Earth and the promise of life hereafter.

So with the symbolic landscape, we leave you with this: As the sun rises from the east to bring forth each and every new day so shall the son of the most high bring forth new life to each and every soul interred here. 

Thank you and may god bless you. May you continue to find solace and inspiration within this symbolic landscape now and always.

The Muddy Creek Cemetery board

How to contribute:

Support the cemetery by sponsoring a piece of our recent landscaping project. Your generous donation will help offset the cost of some of the improvements that have been completed at the cemetery, as well as to support the perpetual care of the cemetery grounds and future beautification efforts. 

Improvements available for sponsorship:

Sponsor one of these landscape pieces in memory or in honor of a loved one today! Your generous donation will be recorded in the cemeteries records in honor or in memory of whoever you choose. No individual memorial plaques may be placed alongside the landscaping, all donations will be acknowledged together at the conclusion of the project. Donations of any dollar amount are encouraged, including partial sponsorship of any item on the map or general memorial contributions. Any questions, please contact us at or (717) 314-2208. Thank you for your support of the cemetery.

To contribute to this project, please send us the following information and mail it along with your check to the following address:

Peace United Church of Christ

℅ Muddy Creek Cemetery Board

37 E Swartzville Road

Denver, PA 17517

Checks should be made payable to: Muddy Creek Cemetery

Name: _______________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________


Email Address (if applicable): ______________________________________________________

#’s of what you wish to sponsor (from the map below):___________________________________

Donation is given:(circle one) IN MEMORY OF IN HONOR OF

Name of person whose memory or honor the donation is made: ___________________________

Thank you for supporting our cemetery, locally owned and operated since 1732.